Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dress up or down I wore it...

When I was a young girl my mother made me a variety of dresses. She would often use the same pattern
using a variety of prints, calicos, florals and my favorites were the bright and bold print fabrics. She even made
me a Laura Ingalls dress complete with a bonnet that I proudly wore to Kindergarten (that dress inspired many
daydreams about me moving to Walnut Grove).

I loved these dresses. As a rough and tumbling youngster I could be seen in one of these original creations,
hair in pigtails, with my red, yellow and blue keds on for playtime. Wearing these dresses I felt special, cute and
was daring enough to press on and play with the boys without compromising the fact I was a girly-girl. I spent
time in my favorite cherry tree hanging upside down by my knees from the branches, climbing in the barn loft
searching for the spring litters of kittens that were hiding, and riding my bike through the mud puddles feeling
the splashes of the sticky cool mud on my exposed legs. When I outgrew these dresses my mother passed them
along to a neighbor with a young daughter who put them through several more years of service. My mother
expressed once that she wished she had asked her to return them upon their retirement for all the beautiful
memories she had of me wearing them.


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